Wax Straight Swap
No Cash Straight-Swap. You give us the beeswax - we give you the foundation.
The tables below show exactly (to the nearest quarter of a sheet) how many sheets per pound we swap.
For example, you have 10lbs. beeswax to "straight swap". You will use the top table. You want some BS Deep Wired and some Section Squares. You can decide; maybe 4lbs BS Deep
Wired (that will give you 15 sheets), that leaves 6lbs. for Section Squares (263 sheets).
We work out to the nearest sheet, always higher rather than lower. Your wallet stays closed!!
Most beekeepers bring the wax into one of our five stores, however we will also accept wax through the post. We also offer this wax exchange service at the Beekeeping Show, the Irish Convention, the Welsh Spring Convention, the BBKA Spring Convention and the National Honey Show.